Xiaomi Mi 10 5G will be launched next month. This smartphone may be the first smartphone in the world to be launched with Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 5G chipset processor. A few days ago information was received about this smartphone that this processor will be used in it. Actually, this was announced by Xiaomi co-founder and chairman Bin Lin at Snapdragon Tech Summit 2020. Recently there was a leak about the price and launch date of this smartphone, which said that this smartphone will be launched on January 25. According to the new information that has been received now, this smartphone can be launched in the next month i.e. mid-February.
According to the report of 91mobiles, this smartphone can be launched on February 20 next month. It can also be guessed that last year, the company launched the Mi 9 on 20 February. In the Xiaomi Mi 10 series, two smartphones Xiaomi Mi 10 5G and Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro 5G can be launched. It is also being speculated that the company can also launch its LTE i.e. 4G variants in view of other global markets like India.
Talking about other specifications of Xiaomi Mi 10 series, it can be given an OLED display panel. The Penta camera set-up can also be given in its back, whose primary sensor can be 108 megapixels. Also, 66W fast charging feature can also be given in this smartphone. In the information that has been revealed so far, it is also being said that this smartphone can also be offered with an under-display selfie camera. At the moment, all these things are being done only on a speculative basis, about this smartphone, only the official information about the processor has been received from the company. Other features will be known only when the smartphone is teased by the company at the time of launch or earlier.
Apart from Xiaomi Mi 10, the company can also launch the next model Redmi K30 series of its killer smartphone series Redmi K20 series launched last year. This smartphone series can be launched with Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Plus or Mediatek Dimensity 1000 5G chipset processor. Also, the company can also use a 64 megapixel quad rear camera set-up in it. As far as the launch of Xiaomi Mi 10 is concerned in the Indian market, the previous smartphone of this series, Mi 5, was launched in India in 2016, almost four years ago. In such a situation, whether the company will launch this smartphone series in India or not, it will also be known in the coming time.