Realme has launched the long-discussed X50 5G smartphone in China. People will get strong processor and camera support in Reality X50 5G. Apart from this, this phone will work on Android 10 operating system and it become the first phone that comes with RealmeOS. At the same time, before this, the company had launched many X series devices in many countries including India, which had a bumper sale. However, the company has not shared much information about the launch of this phone in India. So let's know about the price and specification of Reality X50 5G ...
Realme X50 5G Price
The company has launched three RAM variants of this phone in the Chinese smartphone market, including 6 GB RAM + 256 GB internal storage, 8 GB RAM + 128 GB internal storage and 12 GB RAM + 256 GB internal storage. At the same time, Realme has priced 2,699 Chinese yuan (about Rs 28,000) of the first variant, 2,499 Chinese yuan (about Rs 25,800) of the second variant and 2,999 Chinese yuan (about Rs 31,000) for the third variant.