Realme launched Realme X2 as the last smartphone of 2019. This smartphone has been launched as an upgraded variant of Realme XT, the first smartphone was with 64MP camera. On the occasion of the launch of Realme X2 Pro, the company also it called Realme XT 730G by CEO Madhav Seth. It is clear that Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G processor has been used in it. Other features of this smartphone have been given like Realme XT. Even its look and design is absolutely Identical of Realme XT. After using this smartphone for about 20 days, we have brought a review of it.
Realme X2 is available in three color options Pearl Green, Pearl White and Pearl Blue. For the first time, the company has launched a smartphone with Pearl Green color. The initial price of the phone is Rs 16,999 and it comes with three storage options 4GB RAM + 64GB, 6GB RAM + 128GB and 8GB RAM + 128GB. Lets see how we liked this smartphone and what are the features different from Realme XT, because of which you will like to buy it.
Let us first talk about the design of this smartphone. Its design resembles that of Realme 5, Realme 5 Pro, Realme 5s and Realme XT. Once you see these four smartphones will look the same. The quad rear camera is placed in the back of this smartphone, which is on the left and the left side of the phone. Along with this vertically placed quad camera, LED flash is also placed. The company's branding has been done at the bottom of the phone. Talking about the front panel, it has a Waterdrop or Due Drop Notch display panel.Volume buttons are provided in the left panel of the phone. The SIM card slot is provided above the volume button, in which you can insert two nano SIM cards and a microSD card. At the same time, the power button has been used in the right panel. The bottom of the phone has a USB Type C charging jack, 3.5mm audio jack and speaker. The weight of the phone is 182 grams, due to which you will not find it too heavy and you can carry it easily. Nothing significant has been seen in the design of this smartphone. The company has kept this smartphone like other quad camera models. However, you may like its new Pearl Green color.
The display
After the design of the phone, now we talk about its display specifications. It has a Super AMOLED display with a 6.4-inch DU Drop Notch feature. For the protection of the display, the protection of Corning Gorilla Glass 5 has been given in it. According to the company's claims, its screen-to-body ratio has been given at 91.9 percent. Talking about the resolution of the display, it has a resolution of 2,340 x 1,080 pixels. The in-display fingerprint sensor is integrated for security in the display itself.What we found most special in its display is that it has used Flicker Free Eye Care Technology for low brightness. Talking about video experience, you get HD quality video streaming in it. Not only this, you also get good quality graphical experience during gaming. For protection in the display of the phone, Corning Gorilla Glass has been given in it, so you will not be afraid of breaking the screen even if it falls.
Talking about the performance of Realme X2, Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G chipset octacore processor has been used in it, which works on 8nm process technology. The phone supports 8GB of RAM and up to 128GB of storage. UFS 2.1 has been used to transfer files. The phone's internal storage can be increased to 256GB. Apart from this, the 4,000 mAh battery in the phone has 30W VOOC flash charging.The best thing in Realme X2 was that its processor has been upgraded compared to Realme XT. Because of which it works smoothly from file transfer to multi tasking. Whether you are streaming video on the phone or playing high definition games like PUBG, you will not get any issue of lagging. The Snapdragon 730G processor is designed for mid premium range smartphones only. Talking about battery backup, once the phone is fully charged, you can run it comfortably for one day. This is the first smartphone with VOOC 4.0 flash charging feature. It takes just 30 to 45 minutes to charge the phone. You can charge it for 5 minutes and use it for 2 hours as the company claims.
The camera
Talking about the camera features of the phone, the camera features have been given in the same way as Realme XT. It has a primary sensor of 64 megapixels. Apart from this, three more rear cameras have been given in it. An 8 megapixel wide angle sensor with primary sensor is also provided. At the same time, it has a 2 megapixel lens for depth detection and a 2 megapixel macro lens. Talking about selfie, it has a 32 megapixel selfie camera.
With the phone's camera, you can record 4K quality video recording at a rate of 30fps. At the same time, you can also record slow motion video at 960 frames per second. The most special thing in this phone to me was that with its 64 megapixel primary sensor, you can click a better picture in day light as well as night scape mode. You can also click the image of better high quality from the selfie camera of the phone. Its selfie camera is perfect especially for social media uploads. Like Realme X2 Pro from Realme X2, low-light photography can also be done. Here you also get camera to API support means you can increase your camera performance, even more, using Gcam. Overall, its camera will not disappoint you when it comes to photography.