According to the news that has been coming for quite some time, Xiaomi is working on its new device Xiaomi Mi 10 and it can be launched in the market soon. This phone will be equipped with Snapdragon 865 processor and the company has already given its information. During the Snapdragon Tech Summit, Xiaomi had clearly stated that it will present the upcoming phone with Snapdragon 865 processor. Although the name of the phone was not officially disclosed, but it is being speculated that this phone could be Xiaomi Mi 10 or Mi 10 Pro. At the same time, information related to their launch date and price has come out.
Information given on the Mysmartprice website, Xiaomi's product manager Wang Teng Thomas shared a post on Weibo regarding the launch date of the Mi 10, which was later deleted. In this post, the price was revealed along with the launch date of the phone. According to the report, the starting price of Xiaomi Mi 10 can be 3,500 Yuan i.e. around 36,000 rupees. At the same time, it is being speculated that the price of Mi 10 Pro can also be around Rs 40,000. Apart from this, this smartphone can be launched in China at the Spring Festival to be held on 25 January.
According to the leaks revealed so far, the Xiaomi Mi 10 can offer a 6.57-inch AMOLED display with a 90Hz refresh rate. Apart from this, a 4,500 mAh battery will be available in the phone for power backup, which will come with quick charge support. At the same time, the quad rear camera setup will be given in the phone. It will have 64-megapixel primary sensor, 12-megapixel secondary sensor, third sensor 8 megapixels and fourth will be 2 megapixels. While dual front camera can be available in the phone for video calling and selfie. It will have a 32-megapixel primary sensor and 8-megapixel secondary.