Honor has also launched wearable devices with its first pop-up selfie camera smartphone Honor 9X in India. Honor has also launched Honor Band 5i, Honor Magic Watch 2, Honor Sport, Honor Sport Pro Bluetooth headphones. Honor Sport and Honor Sport Pro Bluetooth earphones come with 10 days of battery backup. The Honor Sport Bluetooth device uses 11mm drivers, while the Honor Sport Pro uses 13mm drivers. Not only this, Huawei HiPair technology has been used to connect them to smartphones or other devices.
Honor Sport, Honor Sport Pro Price
Talking about the price of Honor Sport Bluetooth earphones, you can buy it at a price of Rs 1,999. At the same time, you can buy Honor Sport Pro for Rs 3,999. Honor Sport can be purchased in Aurora Blue, Flame Red and Midnight Black color options. At the same time, high-end Bluetooth earphones Honor Sport Pro can be purchased with Phantom Red, Phantom Gray and Phantom Purple color options. However, these Bluetooth earphones will soon be available for sale in India. At the moment, only the high end variants have been listed on the company's official website.
Talking about the features of Honor Sport Bluetooth earphones, its design is quite different from Realme Buds Wireless. It is also light weight and comes with an IPX5 rating. That is, it will neither spoil in sweat nor in rain. According to the company's claim, this earphone provides 10 days of standby battery backup. A 137 mAh battery has been used in it. Once charged, it will also get 11 hours of music play.
Talking about the features of Honor Sport Pro, it supports Huawei HiPair Fast Pairing Technology. Apart from this, fast charging feature has also been provided. Apart from this, reverse charging feature has also been provided, with the help of which you can also charge it with the help of other devices. It has a USB Type C charging jack. According to the company's claims, it offers 18 hours of music playback once charged.