Tech Tips And Trics

Increase your Wi-Fi speed


Increase your speed

If you are at your home then surely your smartphone is connected to Wi-Fi. If you live in the big house little too easy to get connectivity in some parts and in other places, you have to keep your smartphone and in one direction.

In the home while using Wi-Fi router , you have to take care of some little things. The router sends its signals in all directions, so for better signal you have to stay away the router from the wall.

If possible, keep the Wi-Fi router in the area of ​​the home where the signal can go to every part of the house. If the telephone wire coming out of the house, where a portion of the signal is probably the most brilliant side, the signal will be divided in house.

If the house is old
If the house is old would struggle a little bit easier to do so in the new house. The new routers are several new features included.

You must keep your eye on the updates because it can affect your Internet browsing. If these maintenance updates are available then router will be protected.

The router gives different radio signals. Your smartphone, tablet, laptop and other devices connected to these radio signals are able to connect to the Internet.

Increase the capacity
If you need to change the settings of your router then you have to be prepared to change his password at any time. The router's password here (http: // routerpasswords. Com) can see.

Sometimes high-gain antenna with a router, you can also increase the potential. It quickly  can improve your signal in one direction. If it is not easy for you ,you can buy accedenter.

Just plug an electric signal to connect to the top and it takes your router. Then you will get the Wi-Fi signal that at place where  firstly signal was very weak.

Do give attention to security
After all you must focus yourself router's security must. If you are using Wi-Fi accedenter ,with it a password is necessary.

It does not connect to your home network to any unknown person. If all of these to your device's connectivity is not working, you need a new router.

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