Tech Tips And Trics

How to Get Whats App Notification Desktop


How to Get Whats App Notification Desktop
You can get connected easily to your friends using Whats App web, but do you know that whithout using Whats App web you can easily get chat notifications?
This is possible. During the work you do not need to open web again and again or your phone again to check notification. Sometime checking notification again and again may be disturbing during work. In these kind of situation it is important that without opening web and mobile we can check notifications on desktop.
Here is step by step process
11.       Firstly download extension named WAToolkit for your chrome browser. It is free and can be easily integrated with chrome browser.
22.       When this extension is installed in chrome browser then there is a icon  available in tool bar.
33.       Now when any person ping (Message for chat) you then notification available in this icon.
44.       If you are working on desktop then you need not to open mobile or web for notification.

WAtoolkit can be used on Whats App web also
11.       Install WAToolkit in your chrome browser. It is available on chrome app store.
22.       After installing this go to the option of Whats app web.
33.       Now go to setting.
44.       Choose notification option and from here turn on desktop notification.
55.       You will see that Whats app notification are visible on browser toolbar.

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