Tech Tips And Trics

Apple I-Phone’s Experience in Android Phones


Apple I-Phone’s Experience in Android Phones
Apple launches new I-Phone with 3-d touch technology. People are showing great excitement toward 3-d touch. This 3-d touch is also available in new Mc-Book and Apple Watch.
When you press the screen you will found some more option. This is like right click of your computer.    If you want to use 3-d touch on your android mobile phone then you do not need to spend money. For 3-d touch you have to change some settings in your mobile phone.
For this purpose you are needed a routed android device on which exposed framework is installed and permission available for downloading contents from unknown sources.
Because it is recently developed and now it is in beta stage so it is possible that it will not work on all android devices.
Go to download section of your ‘expose installer app’ and look for ‘system wide force touch’. On tapping this you will found version’s tab after that tap on Download. You will see installer on your screen and by using this installer install it. After that you need to restart your phone. After that you need to calibrate Force Touch. On touching about six to seven times on the upper part of your screen you can see some data. These data will tell you how strongly you can press the screen. Once you have completed these settings you need to restart your phone again.
           “Enjoy 3–D Touch On Android’  

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